Spasms of free thought

"It's the place where something's happening...though you may or may not be willing to watch it."

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"So does Kits think it can dance?" Pitch/Script

Once upon a time, when I was a young warthog...

No,just kidding. I was never a young warthog...

Although sometimes I eat like one. 


I do recall that at some point, I was illegally young, about 16 or 17 and I had a dream. (Not THAT dream) I had a big dream of going to Toronto and become a Much music VJ. I had dreams of becoming a voice-over Actress. I had dreams of getting my name out there and becoming a household name. In that process, my ideas included paying homage to the Canadian version of the Reality competition show, "So you think you can dance"and having a smaller-scale version at my high school.

The idea was very ambitious and so was I, really. But unfortunately, I wasn't practical nor did I really think of the public relations aspect of the project. Thus, after months of brainstorming with my associate over theme songs and exchanging ideas and gathering a crew but having no structure with how to get the project really going, the whole thing fell slowly and silently apart. Sure, I gained friends and got some experience, but also quite frankly,I also felt like a big failure for the first time in my life. 

And to be honest, sometimes I still do. 

But then, I think of all the following projects and the lessons I'd gotten from that. And when I had an Internship in 2012, I eventually got to learn of all the things that the 17 year old ambitious-but-unrealistically-waiting-for-things-to-come-to-her me would've probably benefitted from. 

So in remembrance of what could've been, I've posted the original script to have kickstarted the project. 

« So those Kits think it can dance » Script

Host: (walking towards camera; or looking towards from the side)'s the deal. When you think Kits, what do you get? Great sports teams. (Someone throws a ball into the court; or they could be playing basketball) Cool students and faculty. (Two people wave hello to the camera, all perky-like) And frankly, our theater group just blows you away. (Jacky gets down on one knee and recites dramatically;«  To be or not to be » in front of a stage). But then...where are YOU, contemporary dancers? (points to the camera; from there I think we should use different angles on each sentence; this is center) YOU ballerinas?(from the left) YOU breakers? (from the right) Well, I know that YOU're just waiting in the wings. Unaware. Undiscovered. But...what if we gave YOU the chance to prove yourself? Would YOU have what it takes to fight your way into the spotlight? As a member of Kitsilano, Would YOU have the skills, the personality and the energy to convince our audiences of your talent? (a little dance and pose here)

Infact, do YOU have the flair to get through to our student body? Do YOU have what it takes to claim that spot in their hearts to become OUR favorite dancer? Do you even have the heart to go earn your way towards the chance of seeing the coming of Canada's first own « favorite dancer »?

(back to me, sitting on a throne; and once again pointing to the camera) So now I throw the challenge to all of YOU, eager, hungry dancers out there; do YOU think you can make your Kitsilano school proud? Can YOU rile us out of our seats? Make us cheer for YOU? But more importantly...

Does Kitsilano think it can dance?

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