Spasms of free thought

"It's the place where something's happening...though you may or may not be willing to watch it."

Friday, May 17, 2013

A special spasm of thought

This particular post will be in response to my lab assignment that I have for school.

As it pertains to the concept of blogging, I thought, "why create another blog that I will forget about...when I can just plug and update my current one?"

After all, it's simple to access, I have long been acquainted with it already and I will likely get a few more viewers on here than I've ever had prior to this happening!

So with that being said...

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to my blog! I hope your stay here is pleasant and enjoyable.

This writing blog contains my thoughts and comments on concepts or various ideas in today's media (in particular, what's the haps in the TV and the Movies) that struck me so much that I had to blog about it. (I could tweet but I never feel like that's enough for me. It limits me to a measly 140 characters.)

Like, for example, I've previously reviewed the aftermath of the Lip Service TV series following the death of the protagonists involved in the series' main Love Triangle. (As seen here)

Another post that might be of interest features my original crossover idea between the American Nickleodeon cartoon "Legend of Korra" and the Japanese anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam". And yes, i'm sure that a unique and oddly mashed-up idea.


Trust me when I say that IT LOOKS AND SOUNDS AWESOME

Prior to writing prose though, I have also an earlier section where I post my poetry of days past. I'm no longer a frequent poet, but everytime I do feel inspire to write in rhymes, I don't hesitate to post it. If you'd like to read any of it, you can do so by clicking here, here or here.

Well, I think i've said enough for now. If you've read this far, then you must be pretty interested in what I have to say.

...Or you're the supervisor reading it for marks.

Which is totally fine too.

Regardless however...

I do thank you all for visiting!

Suzanne Helen James.

Ps: If you have any questions or comments, the options for leaving them will be at the end of this post below.

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