Spasms of free thought

"It's the place where something's happening...though you may or may not be willing to watch it."

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Ok! Maybe a better, more nuanced look back

..Hello again.

I'm back. And I have a bit more to say on the matter about the previous year.

Namely that I did a bit more than a expected and most of it wasn't creative.

There were really about 2 phases to 2018 and they pretty much went like this.

Phase 1 was in the beginning of the year; I was still a part of CUTV, the local Community Station from Conocridias University. And it's a pretty cool place.

I did help to craft an edit for a cool video that took about a year to finish. That video is Queens Creation: The Evolution. It's pretty much my biggest project to date. It was a labour of love between Agent Lynx and myself and I could not be ever more grateful for the opportunity. I got to learn how to edit and it was fun. She made it fun.

On the other hand, my other video was one that I had been suggested for. I had been at CUTV for about a year for that time and I had done a few videos and so out of the kindness of the member's heart, she gave my name up for a gig to create a summary
video for the Concordia Student Coalition.

The event itself was good. 3 days of sustainability. However, my own footage was not that good. No matter how much I tried to make something about it, it just wasn't what they were looking for.

From that video, I did learn that maybe I should take a step back before accepting any other gigs for money. Because I feel that I need to be in a position to earn that money and be what they needed.

Like, there are things in my life that I feel pretty bummed about. A personal blunder about honesty in relationships and in this case, being honest in professional relationships as well.

As a creative, my work has not really been going anywhere within the last year or so.
It's defintely hard to admit and I'm in the state to say that my works sucks and I need some work.

How I will get that work is something I'm looking at. And the world doesn't need to know that.

But anyway! Then ONTO PHASE 2.

From February to August, I pretty much starting training for an airline and everything else took a backburner.

But it was worth it. Of course the question did I do it?

Not by myself, no. Being a Christian does help in putting this into persepective because they did not make this easy. Who else can do this but God?

But then I passed probation. And I'm staying in forever.

So that's really that.

I guess I want to make a point that things feel different when a new year begins and it's just about howe you can make that feel new.

So that's really the point of this extra post.

And yes, here's my Podcast for good measure.

See you on the flipside.

Suzanne Helen James.


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