Spasms of free thought

"It's the place where something's happening...though you may or may not be willing to watch it."

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sid and Mr. White!

Masterpost here

Sid and Mr. White

A short story by Yasmine Ekoka

For the Capilano Courier

Word Count: 750 (excluding title page)

This is the story of Sid. Now, Sid was a child that was so bad, not even the military could restrain him. It seemed like he had absolutely no empathy for others or any trace of heart...Until the day he met Abby Gonzales in the park and she literally punched some sense into him. The two would later befriend each other in a civil manner and even fall in love. Later on, as young adults, after dating for a while they'd move in together.

However, something happened one day when Sid met the new cat Abby brought home.

Mr. White, as Abby would call him, was a strange little creature, thin and pink, with a big forehead, bulging golden yellow eyeballs held under droopy half-lidded eyelids, twisted whiskers held together by a long bony fleshy neck and finally four stick-thin fragile legs, huddled around its owner's arms in her embrace. “I just kinda fell in love with the little guy..he looked so apathetic I just had to bring him home!” Abby said excitedly as she nudged Sid to get closer, but when he did...

The cat creaked its large head to look up at Sid...and then gazing up at him, it gave a slow, creepy smirk towards the boy, who raised an eyebrow at the sight and growled.

“What's wrong?” Asked Abby, who'd seen nothing out of the ordinary. “N-nothing”, Sid muttered in response, huffing a whiff of air as he stared down the cat, whose sleepy stare etched into the depths of Sid's mind.

...There's something FUCKING WRONG with that cat, Sid thought later that evening before bed.

Later on that week, when Sid was away from the house, Abby started decorating Mr. White's future room that would be modified according to his unique taste. She was so infatuated with the feline that she collected and decorated his room with a collection of blood, guts and bones displayed all over the room. However, what made this room truly stand out was the fact it must never have light; it must always be dimly-lit or completely dark. Abby claimed that this was because...

“Mr. White really thrives in the dark, cuz you know, its where his primal instincts come out best.”

When Sid returned home and saw this new “room”, he growled and rolled his eyes...because even though he had his own share of disturbing things he cherished, this was where Sid would have drawn the line.

Another time, when Abby and Sid were watching a movie, Mr. White had decided to interrupt their snuggling and lodged itself in-between the amorous pair. Abby giggled and welcomed the visitor, whereas Sid refused to budge, keeping his arm firmly placed around Abby's shoulder...until a flicker of Mr. White's tail smacked his face and the sudden blow pushed Sid to the ground.

In response, Abby berated the cat, groaning, “Look what you did, Mr. White! That's not how you act towards Sid!” A shocked Sid blinked then hissed as he felt something sting his cheek...which was bleeding.

“Come on now,” Abby chided as she tilted her head to the side. “What's that on your cheek? Go clean that up.” Sid blinked and raised an eyebrow before touching his cheek. “Go on,” She ordered again, “Leave the room and clean that up!” But Sid, not taking anyone's orders, rose up and retorted “Hey, I'm bleeding here and you seem to give more of a shit about that creepy pussy than me!” But Abby shrugged and turned away from Sid, who growled and lunged forward...only to then smack his face against an invisible force, blocking him from reaching Abby and Mr. White. “W-what the?” Sid asked as he then slammed his fist against the invisible wall, trying to reach his girlfriend who oddly enough couldn't hear him. “What the fuck?” Sid cried again as he punched the force field again and again.

Abby meanwhile, smiled down at a purring Mr. White nestled in her lap. “Aww, look what you did...”She said softly as she rubbed his large forehead, “You played way too rough with Sid and now he can't play with us.” The feline purred enthusiastically and rocked his head back and forth as it was being massaged. To Sid's shock, he watched as Abby's eyes started to glow as she kept on petting Mr. White, who turned his own glowing eyes to look at Sid...

Whose mouth was seething as he saw Mr. White's bright smug smirk grow on his face.

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