HTML lessons and a cute add =)
Hey "Happy People" XD
I bet you guys liked my onee-chan super funny and not-a-bit-depressing short story. Well, I hope you did cuz here's some more fun stuff coming... =)
Suz and I are still working on a new template for the blog and some stuff to add to it so stay tuned (or online?) for some cool stuff

Soooo, in order to add some cute pics to your awesome blog here is what you need to do:
Add to the body of your post:
(<)img src="the url of your img"/(>) (WITHOUT the brackets around the > and <!)
This will work for any type of image (jpeg, gif, bmt...blah)
In order to align your pic to the left of your text like this:

You just need to incorporate to your post:
(<)img src="URL here" align="left"(>)
Cool isn't it? =) (in order to put it on the right then just change the word "left" for "right" or "center". =)
That's all of HTML for you tonight ^--^
We all know that all work and no fun makes Hikaru-chan depressed XD
Here's a little exotic treat for y'all ^--^
We all know that the 2016 olympics will be held in Rio ^--^ So, as a Brazilian I so need to celebrate that! So, here's a really cool vid introducing Brazil as the official host of the 2016 Summer Olympic and Para-olympic games.
And I'll catch you all on the next spaz ;)
Labels: Computer Science, HTML, Karol Pasciano, review
Speaking of spaz...
Yeah....that and I suppose I'll learn bout HTMLLLL...but I was under the impression that it was your job. Not mine. But all's well in due time.
BTW, it's not a short story, it's a play. It's a one-act play. Or else I would've mentioned it in a more story-like fashion!
And I'll watch the promo later...though as the Breaker says, "there's no point. They're all the same."
And yes, I'm awesome. Spread the word!
Excuse meeee XD
And for the awesome part, all I gotta say is that if it weren't for your MODESTY, you would be perfect XD
let's not have a fight on mah blog!
Remember the first post? I had to wrestle with my conscience! And remember who won that? :P
But seriously, do spread the word. And fine, fine. We're BOTH awesome. There, I said it. *sighs*
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